
Lagerstroemia indica is a very common street and ornamental tree in Israel, and with good reason. This is a magnificent species that has spectacular, colorful flowers without parallel. The flowers appear in heavy clusters at the ends of branches in diverse colors and shades, depending on the cultivar. This diversity is enriched by the different colors of foliage that Lagerstroemia boasts, ranging from green to green-reddish-purple and to black-red, similarly to the leaves of Prunus cerasifera. Add to this mix the option of designing the tree with a single trunk for a cleaner look or with multiple trunks for a more “natural” and wilder appearance, and you have a tree that is very suitable for the Israeli climate with a diverse, interesting, eye-catching and attractive display, which will beautify wherever it is planted. Whether it is on a street, boulevard, garden, traffic island, public square, patio or more.


A multitude of flower shades and colors, flexible design options, trunks with different colors and textures

The first thing we need to talk about when discussion Lagerstroemia is its flowers. Without a doubt, they are the tree’s most attractive feature. Flowering appears in the summer, beginning at the end of May–beginning of July and lasting until October at the latest. The flowers appear in heavy clusters at the ends of new branches that have grown since spring. Lagerstroemia’s flowers are very diverse and range from different shades of white to pink, purple and red. The flowers can be dense or relatively sparse. Proper pruning of the flower clusters once they have fully grown will encourage additional waves of flowering. Some cultivars of Lagerstroemia will grow additional waves of flowers without requiring any pruning. Truly outstanding cultivars will have 4–5 waves of flowers a season or will have prolonged waves of flowering. We recommend pruning the fruit at the end of the flowering season to encourage further growth and additional waves of flowering. Such pruning will also encourage later and more attractive fall displays.

Another element that creates great variety and interest between the different Lagerstroemia cultivars is the foliage. Lagerstroemia’s foliage is varied in size, density and color. The leaves’ color are different when blooming, in maturity and in their fall display. There are Lagerstroemia trees with reddish blooms and green leaves, green blooms and purple leaves, purplish blooms and green leaves and other combination. The different colors of leaves together with the variety of flowers create spectacular and especially attractive displays. Lagerstroemia’s varied fall displays are in all the colors of fire. Note that there are cultivars with dark foliage whose leaves tend to curl up, which creates a less vital and even sickly appearance.

The Lagerstroemia trunk is also an important ornamental element. The colors of the trunk vary from cultivar to cultivar. Some trunks are light-colored, some peel and reveal red hues that call to mind the colors of the Arbutus trunk. The peeling look is very reminiscent of eucalyptus trunks. A good example of this is the old white cultivar, ‘Natchez,’ whose trunk is a very attractive ornamental element. Our nursery also has a new hybrid cultivar that we are developing that has a “mottled” trunk in colors of gray and red. Lagerstroemia naturally has anywhere from 3–8 trunks, which form a magnificent and very impressive tree. This shrub-like appearance does not prevent designing a higher crown, which makes Lagerstroemia suitable for various uses. Lagerstroemia indica responds well to pruning. Lagerstroemia can easily be designed with a single trunk, which makes it suitable for even more uses, such as traffic islands, smaller gardens, streets and more. In general, Lagerstroemia is very well-suited as a street tree, and it is used as such across the country. Remember that its height does not exceed 8 meters, making it a relatively small tree. Its advantages are clear: Lagerstroemia does not interfere with paving nor is it especially messy (beyond its falling flowers and the leaves it sheds in autumn). It has no juicy fruits that attract birds, sully sidewalks or create slipping hazards. It is well-suited for all parts of the country in terms of climate, and when planting a row originating from the same clone, the flowers and fall display will be particularly uniform and impressive.

After having listed Lagerstroemia indica’s many significant ornamental advantages, we should also mention the challenges it poses to give the whole picture. In the Israeli climate, Lagerstroemia positively thrives, and it generally does not have pests or diseases like it does in other climes. Lagerstroemia indica’s main challenge in this regard is powdery mildew, which afflicts it, and which may harm not only its appearance but also cause its degeneration. Powdery mildew appears in very humid regions and less in drier areas such as the mountains and desert. It can be avoided by the location the tree is planted – and ensuring that it is planted in full sunlight. This will prevent powdery mildew. It is also important to ensure proper watering so that significant surplus water does not accumulate and create an excessively moist environment due to evaporation. Preventive care can be performed at the end of spring or beginning of summer. Another important recommendation is to use outstanding cultivars that have been checked and tested for their resistance to powdery mildew.

It’s important to note, however, that no Lagerstroemia indica exists that is immune to powdery mildew. All cultivars of Lagerstroemia indica are under threat from powdery mildew; they are only differentiated by their degree of sensitivity. We have found that cultivars with red leaves are much more sensitive to powdery mildew than those with green foliage. Some examples of the outstanding cultivars with significantly reduced sensitivity to powdery mildew are ‘Natchez,’ ‘Muskogee,’ ‘Bella Mia,’ which we have developed in our nursery, and ‘Lunar Magic,’ which is exclusive to Ilan Nursery.

Another challenge is the matter of grafting. A selected clone on a rootstock creates a superior, outstanding and uniform plant that preserves the preferred properties cultivated in that clone and that requires minimal maintenance. In the case of Lagerstroemia, to preserve the properties of genetically outstanding cultivars, vegetative propagation is recommended, but in this case, rooting is preferred over grafting. Grafted Lagerstroemia is a tree that requires regular, intensive maintenance because the rootstock may take over the scion, and then you encounter all kinds of Lagerstroemia hybrids with different colors. And that’s the best-case scenario. In the worst case, the entire grafted plant degenerates. Unfortunately, in Israel there is insufficient awareness and logistical ability to keep up this maintenance of cleaning unwanted offshoots and branch stubs so we would recommend buying plants with grafting at a low point or from the roots. It’s important to consider that when Lagerstroemia is rooted, it takes longer to grow (which is reflected in the growth time and the price), but it results in a better plant than grafting, one that is generally strong and durable with an optimal lifespan. Unfortunately, this matter has not yet been sufficiently assimilated in the Israeli market, and as a result, many grafted Lagerstroemia trees that have been planted do not reach maturity and are not thriving.

Variety and variation in the foliage – colors of blooms and fall displays, in size and density

Having become acquainted with Lagerstroemia indica and been convinced of its excellent features as an ornamental tree in general and particularly as a street tree, we now have only to select the most suitable cultivar. We began the article on this point: the tremendous variety among Lagerstroemia cultivars. So how can you pick the best Lagerstroemia cultivar? The first criteria, of course, are tree size and its intended use. Afterward, you choose a Lagerstroemia that pleases you aesthetically – the color of its flowers and foliage, the tree design etc. We recommend selecting from among outstanding cultivars, those that are well-known in Israel and thrive here. We would also recommend outstanding cultivars from abroad, those that have been created from many other cultivars due to their beauty and uniqueness and tested over the years to make sure that they are less sensitive to powdery mildew (and other diseases that are less common in Israel). The new cultivars of Lagerstroemia at the nursery, from the Magic® series, are Lagerstroemia developed in the USA by Bailey Nurseries under the First Editions® brand. Many plant species have been created under this brand, and all of them are first-class. All Lagerstroemia trees sold under this brand throughout the world have to first excel in terms of their durability, and of course in terms of early and especially long flowering, special foliage (there are quite a few cultivars with black or red-purple foliage), flat and glossy leaves that do not curl, and significant uniqueness in terms of appearance.

This series can be subdivided into two sub-series: the first with dark foliage in colors that range from deep red to purple, and the second with green foliage. First among the Lagerstroemia with dark foliage is Moonlight Magic™. This is a narrow, upright-growing cultivar with serious growing ability: it can reach a height of about 4 meters when fully grown. Moonlight’s flowers are white-pink, and its foliage is chestnut brown. The combination of the dark foliage and the white flowers is amazing. It is markedly less sensitive to powdery mildew. We believe that this cultivar would be particularly successful in traffic islands. Lunar Magic® is an improved cultivar of Moonlight. It is relatively compact (it reaches a height of about 3 m), but it excels in its dense, crowded flowers in summer. It has 4–5 waves of flowering in summer, even without pruning! This cultivar’s foliage is black-red, and the trunk itself has a distinctive reddish color. The contrast of the bright white flowers and the black-red foliage is simply spectacular. This cultivar also is drastically less sensitive to powdery mildew.

Another cultivar in this series is Sunset Magic™, a relatively compact Lagerstroemia with a height of 2–3 m and foliage that is a deep purple, almost black. The Sunset’s leaves are flat and glossy. Its flowers are almost perfectly red, with a tendency for a deep orange hue. The panicles are large and dense with a rich and attractive appearance. The final dark Lagerstroemia is Twilight Magic™. This cultivar is about 4 m tall. The Twilight’s foliage is a deep plum color, similar to Prunus cerasifera, and it is actually sold in the US as a substitute for plum trees of that type. Its flowers are a rich and deep pink that is very close to fuchsia. There is no doubt whatsoever that the appearance of the dark Lagerstroemia cultivars is unique and interesting, and the contrast created between the deep, glossy foliage, and the colors of the rich, bright flowers is particularly interesting and attractive. It’s important here that we recommend planting the cultivars with dark foliage in full sun only, and in any other situation to consider in advance preventive treatment for powdery mildew.

The green Magic series includes Coral Magic™, Lagerstroemia with a shrub-like structure that reaches a height of 4 m. The Coral Magic is distinguished by the unusual red bloom of its foliage, which turns green and fresh in adulthood. The flowering clusters are impressive and dense in salmon-pink. Plum Magic™ is characterized by a bloom of deep plum-purple leaves that mature to a rich, dark green. The Plum Magic flowers are fuchsia with rich panicles flowering on the ends of the new branches in its bloom. The combination of the special and varied foliage with the bright flowers creates a particularly interesting and attractive combination. Plum Magic reaches a height of 4–5 m. Purple Magic™ hints at its flowers’ color in its name: this is a spectacular Lagerstroemia that flowers in a dark, rich purple. The flowers are unique and very rich against the backdrop of green, fresh and vital foliage that is exceptionally eye-catching. The foliage tends to be reddish while blooming, making another interesting spectacle even before flowering. The Purple Magic is relatively compact, reaching a height of 2–3 m. Last but certainly not least in the green series is Ruffled Red Magic™. Some would define this cultivar as “improved dynamite.” This is a Lagerstroemia cultivar with an upright, dense structure with a height of 3–4 m, fresh, green foliage, and bright and spectacular red flowers. Beyond the stunning display of red flowers against a backdrop of dark green foliage, the Ruffled Red’s flowers feature a special texture that is very reminiscent of carnations. The Ruffled Red’s fall display is also special, when the foliage appears orange-red.

We invite you to visit the nursery and see our magnificent Lagerstroemia trees for yourself, including the exciting new varieties that we have exclusively brought to Israel.

עץ החיים

עץ יחיד:

מסנן ומטהר כ-1000 מ”ק אוויר מזיהום

מייצר 700 ק”ג חמצן

קולט מעל 20 טון של פחמן דו חמצני

מסוגל לספוג כ-20 ק”ג אבק בכל שנה

ולבלוע תרחיפים המכילים מתכות רעילות, כמו כספית, עופרת וליתיום

חלק מהחמצן באוויר שאנו נושמים מיוצר על ידי העצים

עלי שלכת

העצים מכינים עצמם לחורף, שבו פעילותם נעצרת. כדי לא להינזק מפגעי הקור מפחיתים העצים את שטח הפנים, ע”י השלת העלים, כצעד הסתגלותי המאפשר להם לשרוד בתנאי החורף המקשים. הקולטנים שבעלים, הרגישים לטמפ’ היורדת, מפסיקים את ייצור הכלורופיל, הכלורופיל הקיים מתפרק והצבענים האחרים שבעלים נחשפים, והעלים הופכים מירוקים לצהובים, כתומים ואפילו אדומים.

בעת שלכת הסתיו, צבעי השלכת – בעיקר האדום – מאפשרים לעלה להישאר מעט יותר על העץ וכך העץ “שואב” את שארית החומרים המזינים מהעלים ולנצלם עד תום. צבעי שלכת ביערות שלא בעונת הסתיו מאפשרת ליערנים לאתר בעיות.

סגולות השקד

השקד הינו עץ יפה והדור בפריחתו. פירותיו חשובים, טעימים, מזינים ובעלי סגולות רפואיות רבות אשר רובם כבר הוכחו במחקרים רבים. הוספת השקדים לתפריט היומי מסייעת לחיזוק ותפקוד הגוף.
  • השקדים מכילים כ-60% שומן, בעיקר חומצות שומן חיוניות המסייעות לשמירה על הלב.
  • לחומצות שומן אלה יתרונות נוספים חשובים לגופנו, יחד עם הסיבים התזונתיים שבשקדים. השילוב המנצח הזה מסייע בירידה במשקל על ידי כך שהוא מייצר תחושת שובע ומונע מצב של אכילת יתר או צריכת מתוקים בעקבות שמירה של רמת הסוכרים בדם.
  • במחקר שנעשה באוניברסיטת פנסילבניה נמצא כי בקבוצה שבתפריט היומי שלה נכללה אכילה של 42 גרם שקדים לא קלויים, חלה ירידה באחוזי השומן והיקף המותניים. בכך ירד הסיכון של אותה קבוצת מחקר, לחלות במחלות המשויכות לסינדרום מטבולי כגון סוכרת, לחץ דם גבוה ומחלות לב.
  • שקד הינו מקור מעולה לסידן החיוני למניעת איבוד מסת עצם.
  • תמיד כדאי לצאת מהבית עם שקית שקדים ולאכול אותם ברגעים שחווים צניחה ברמת האנרגיה. אכילה של חופן שקדים מעוררת את הגוף בזכות אחוזי החלבון וויטמיני B הקיימים בהם.
  • אכילה של 5-6 שקדים לא קלויים שהושרו במים וקליפתם הוסרה מסייעת להקלה על צרבת ובחילה.

המלצות ואפשרויות לשילוב שקדים בתפריט היומי:

  • שקדים טריים – עד כ- 10 ביום ובשילוב עם פרי.
  • ממרח שקדיה –  בכבישה קרה וללא כימיקלים.
  • קמח שקדים – קל לשימוש, עשיר בחלבון, ויטמין E ומגנזיום. דל בפחמימות וסוכר.
  • רצוי להימנע ככל שניתן מקליית השקדים, כיוון שהחימום שלהם גורם לאיבוד מערכם התזונתי

*תודה לגילי חדש – רפואה טבעית

העץ הכי קשיש בעולם

הפרט המוכר הכי עתיק בעולם הוא עץ מזן Pinus longaeva המוכר בשמותיו העממיים Great Basin bristlecone pine או intermountain bristlecone pine או western bristlecone pine, שנמצא ביער Ancient Bristlecone Pine שב’הרים הלבנים’ בקליפורניה.

גילו מתקרב ל-5,100 שנים!

גם העץ השני בגילו המוכר נמצא באותו יער, והוא גם כן תת זן של אותו עץ. הוא בן יותר מ-4,800 שנה. תת זן זה קיבל מהחוקרים שמדדו את גילו את השם “מתושלח”

העץ הכי גבוה בעולם

הפרט הכי גבוה בעולם הוא כפי הנראה עץ מזן
Sequoia sempervirens
שנמצא בפארק הלאומי רדווד בקליפורניה.

גובהו 115 מטר

הזן הכי ותיק - ועמידות מרשימה ביותר

גינקו דו אונתי מהווה מעין ‘מאובן חי’. הוא התקיים כבר בתקופות פרהיסטוריות.
בחפירות ארכיאולוגיות נמצאו חלקי מאובנים שלו מלפני 270 מליוני שנים!

עמידותו הרבה, והיכולת להזריע את עצמו בקלות, סייעו לו להתקיים לאורך הדורות. הוא כל כך עמיד, שפרטים בודדים שלו שרדו אפילו את פצצת האטום בהירושימה בשנת 1945, למרות שהיו במרחק קילומטר אחד או שניים בלבד ממוקד הפיצוץ. לא רק שעצים אלה שרדו, הם אףהחלימו לחלוטין לאחר זמן קצר יחסית.

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