If a business has all the resources and abilities it needs to expand the kinds of services or products it provides, should it do so? Let’s apply this theoretical question practically, to our nursery: in any case, we have extensive growing and storage areas, skilled personnel and an already-existing distribution network. Why not extend the field of business we engage in from ornamental trees only to additional nursery products? Well, we, at least in our specific field, believe in the power of specialization and focus. And when it comes to designed trees, this is all the more crucial. A tree lives dozens and hundreds of years. The depth of a nurseryperson’s knowledge of trees should be based on long-term research and observations and on knowledge accumulated over long periods of time.
Let’s take, for example, Itay Eshel – the nursery’s professional director. His knowledge is substantial, he conducts expert training, lectures and seminars. He is involved with Ministry of Agriculture courses, a lecturer for landscape architects, local government professionals, gardening contractors and more. With all due respect to Itay’s knowledge, he has not been alive for long enough to personally get to know the phenomena of different trees – certainly not new cultivars – for their entire lifespan. But because his specialization is focused on ornamental trees, he is an expert in research and professional literature on the subject. And furthermore – because he is a third-generation nurseryperson, he has cumulative organizational knowledge that is based on his own personal experience and that of the two generations – his father and grandfather – that preceded him. His father, incidentally, is Ilan Eshel, the company CEO, has a bachelor’s degree in Agronomy and more than 40 years’ (focused) experience himself. So where is the added value in an ornamental nursery’s specialization?
Proper design of a young tree during its nursery stage, constructing a balanced framework and pruning the branches so they split off at wide angles ensure a good start for the Jacaranda and will prevent future problems of collapse and breaking. Of course, with Jacaranda trees as well as with many other ornamental trees in the country that grow to large dimensions, it is important to work to design and maintain the balance of the tree and the gaps between the branches, even years later in the area where they were planted.
Adapting to needs and conditions
In-depth knowledge will help the customer to correctly adapt the tree to its intended environment and their specific needs. It’s important to know the ideal conditions, like the best climatic conditions for cultivar, the types of soil where it can and cannot grow well, how much auxiliary watering is right for ideal development and the tree’s various sensitivities and resistances. As for adapting to its intended location – a tree that will grow to have a columnar shape (like Populus alba, Grevillea robusta and Terminalia arjuna), for instance, will obviously not be ideal to serve as a shade tree. Not every tree is well-suited for a patio. There are ideal trees for groves or boulevards. There are trees that are better suited than others for small yards. There are trees with invasive roots or round, juicy fruit, making them poorly-suited for planting on sidewalks.
Populus alba and Terminalia arjuna are slender – not good choices for shade
Very few types of trees grow well close to the sea. Even fewer will survive right on the first coastal line without houses to block the direct winds from the sea. There are trees that excel and thrive in mountain areas, while in other parts of the country – like the coastal plain, lowlands, Aravah or Jordan Valley – they’ll struggle to grow, will suffer from diseases and will be more exposed to pests, and they’ll end up degenerating over the years. This is of course also true in opposite cases. We know how to reference all this information and more so as to warn or make recommendations to the customer.
Design, acclimatizing and preparing for sale
Growing the tree in the nursery will often affect how the tree will grow at the customer’s place. Sometimes the effects are not immediate and only are expressed years later, when the tree reaches maturity. The Jacaranda, for instance, grows branches at acute angles, which increases the potential for breakages. This tendency increases as the tree matures, when the branches thicken and grow heavier, and where there are multiple branches stemming off close to the trunk, over the years the branches’ pressure and load of weight will surely be a source for future breaks. Proper design of a young tree during its nursery stage, constructing a balanced framework and pruning the branches so they split off at wide angles ensure a good start for the Jacaranda and will prevent future problems of collapse and breaking. Of course, with Jacaranda trees as well as with many other ornamental trees in the country that grow to large dimensions, it is important to work to design and maintain the balance of the tree and the gaps between the branches, even years later in the area where they were planted.
Acclimatization is the stage after the trees are uprooted, when they are planted in containers outside the growing soil (in raised beds) and go through a process of strengthening and preparation for replanting at their intended new locations. This stage is especially important. It ensures the tree’s health and highest absorption rates. Growing the uprooted tree’s roots and the diameter of its crown (the tree’s framework) needs to be emphasized. It is important that as much growth as possible be achieved to ensure the continued proper development of the tree.
Overzealous cutting and trimming of the tree’s crown or roots has implications for its ability to develop according to its age: with aggressive pruning, the tree loses the “advantage” is has accumulated over the growing period, and it becomes weaker. In most cases, the previously developed crown and root system will need to be restored. Thus, if in the field we get a tree whose trunk diameter indicates its age, say 3 years old, the diameters of the existing crown and roots are actually suitable for the development of a one- or two-year-old tree.
Professionalism therefore ensures, first and foremost, a reliable source of information. Questions and requests for advice get reliable, precise and extensive answers. Second, quality is ensured since at every stage of the tree’s growth, steps have been performed optimally. As proof, we can point to our trees, which over the years have shown extremely high absorption rates and have never been rejected for planting
The act of “regression,” which is not a foregone conclusion, in many cases causes damage that will be expressed in the tree’s maturity (a small and damaged root system exposed to diseases, control and pests, an unbalanced and unsuitable frame – myriad branches growing from one place, etc.). This phenomenon is currently widespread, whether for financial and logistical reasons or due to a lack of awareness on the part of those receiving the trees in the field.
When a tree leaves the nursery, we have to make sure that the acclimatization period has ended. This can be verified by checking the root system. When shaking the trunk, we expect to see a stable root neck that moves with the entire container, not independent movement of the trunk and the soil around it. Movement such as this indicates that the tree is not ready for planting. Ideally, suckers and roots will also be seen protruding from the bottom of the storage container.
This part clearly demonstrates what professionalism is, as well as the depth of the familiarity and understanding of the field. Seed propagation, tree grafting or taking cuttings are only a technical stage. Their performance must be of high quality, but behind them also stand many years of knowledge, experience, observation and research. Which properties do we want to preserve, how should this cultivar be improved, which properties would we like to eliminate … This is a place for much creativity and where it is important to maintain moral standards and a high level of professionalism. We have already written about the necessary responsibility and the moral aspects in the development of new cultivars in the past (you can click here for the article “Grafting and reproducing new cultivars”).
Professionalism therefore ensures, first and foremost, a reliable source of information. Questions and requests for advice get reliable, precise and extensive answers. Second, quality is ensured since at every stage of the tree’s growth, steps have been performed optimally. As proof, we can point to our trees, which over the years have shown extremely high absorption rates and have never been rejected for planting.
Finally, the main added value of the concept is this: there is no technical problem in propagating trees, performing grafts and creating sub cultivars or even new cultivars. The trick is to do things in an informed way. To make sure that the products are of high quality, preserve desirable properties, improve on less successful ones, and that success will stand the test of reality throughout the life of the tree.
We are a wholesale nursery. Retail clients are welcome by appointment with Joy – 054-8681199 | Offices 08-8573047
Orders via WhatsApp 054-8680188 | ilanursery@gmail.com
עץ יחיד:
מסנן ומטהר כ-1000 מ”ק אוויר מזיהום
מייצר 700 ק”ג חמצן
קולט מעל 20 טון של פחמן דו חמצני
מסוגל לספוג כ-20 ק”ג אבק בכל שנה
ולבלוע תרחיפים המכילים מתכות רעילות, כמו כספית, עופרת וליתיום
חלק מהחמצן באוויר שאנו נושמים מיוצר על ידי העצים
העצים מכינים עצמם לחורף, שבו פעילותם נעצרת. כדי לא להינזק מפגעי הקור מפחיתים העצים את שטח הפנים, ע”י השלת העלים, כצעד הסתגלותי המאפשר להם לשרוד בתנאי החורף המקשים. הקולטנים שבעלים, הרגישים לטמפ’ היורדת, מפסיקים את ייצור הכלורופיל, הכלורופיל הקיים מתפרק והצבענים האחרים שבעלים נחשפים, והעלים הופכים מירוקים לצהובים, כתומים ואפילו אדומים.
בעת שלכת הסתיו, צבעי השלכת – בעיקר האדום – מאפשרים לעלה להישאר מעט יותר על העץ וכך העץ “שואב” את שארית החומרים המזינים מהעלים ולנצלם עד תום. צבעי שלכת ביערות שלא בעונת הסתיו מאפשרת ליערנים לאתר בעיות.
המלצות ואפשרויות לשילוב שקדים בתפריט היומי:
*תודה לגילי חדש – רפואה טבעית
הפרט המוכר הכי עתיק בעולם הוא עץ מזן Pinus longaeva המוכר בשמותיו העממיים Great Basin bristlecone pine או intermountain bristlecone pine או western bristlecone pine, שנמצא ביער Ancient Bristlecone Pine שב’הרים הלבנים’ בקליפורניה.
גילו מתקרב ל-5,100 שנים!
גם העץ השני בגילו המוכר נמצא באותו יער, והוא גם כן תת זן של אותו עץ. הוא בן יותר מ-4,800 שנה. תת זן זה קיבל מהחוקרים שמדדו את גילו את השם “מתושלח”
הפרט הכי גבוה בעולם הוא כפי הנראה עץ מזן
Sequoia sempervirens
שנמצא בפארק הלאומי רדווד בקליפורניה.
גובהו 115 מטר
גינקו דו אונתי מהווה מעין ‘מאובן חי’. הוא התקיים כבר בתקופות פרהיסטוריות.
בחפירות ארכיאולוגיות נמצאו חלקי מאובנים שלו מלפני 270 מליוני שנים!
עמידותו הרבה, והיכולת להזריע את עצמו בקלות, סייעו לו להתקיים לאורך הדורות. הוא כל כך עמיד, שפרטים בודדים שלו שרדו אפילו את פצצת האטום בהירושימה בשנת 1945, למרות שהיו במרחק קילומטר אחד או שניים בלבד ממוקד הפיצוץ. לא רק שעצים אלה שרדו, הם אףהחלימו לחלוטין לאחר זמן קצר יחסית.